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If you've already got an Earn Haus account, use the links above to sign in to your account using the method you used when you first created your account. Unsure which method you used?

Tip! If you aren't sure which method you used, we recommend trying your primary email address first. If you didn't pick a password, or can't remember it, you can reset your password by clicking on "Sign in with Email" above.

Not a Member?

To create an account, visit our home page and click on the "Start Earning" link to register a free account. Please be aware that our service is currently only available to residents and citizens of the United States.

What is Earn Haus?

Earn Haus is the easiest way to get paid in cash for sharing your opinion. You'll create a free account, tell us how you'd like to receive payment, and be given access to opportunities to earn money taking paid online surveys. Once you've earned enough to cash out, we'll send you payment as quickly as possible.

Need Help?

If you're having trouble accessing your account, please contact support for assistance.

Account Security

Once you've signed in, head to your account page to manage your profile. We strongly recommend adding more than one sign in method to your account. You can link your phone number, Google account, and email address there which will enable you to sign in to your account using any of your linked methods.

Duplicate Accounts

As outlined in the Terms of Use, duplicate accounts are strictly prohibited and subject to forfeiture without warning. If you have more than one account, please contact support to avoid having your earnings forfeited.

Related Content

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